''I really believe there is no better way of being Christian than to be a Presbyterian'', so der amtierende Präsident des Reformierten Weltbundes (WARC) in einem Interview zu Beginn seines ''Ruhestandes'' als ''leader of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)''.
New York (ENI). Despite dwindling membership numbers and continuing controversies over the issue of sexuality within the church, the outgoing "stated clerk" (chief executive) of the Presbyterian Church (USA) believes his 2.2-million-strong denomination will remain a prominent voice within the United States if it is sensitive to "faithfulness to the Gospel" and the changing character the U.S. religious scene. "There are still tremendous gifts in the Reformed tradition," Clifton Kirkpatrick said in an interview with Ecumenical News International as he prepared to retire after 12 years in the top post of the Louisville, Kentucky-based denomination.
An interview with Clifton Kirkpatrick
By Eva Stimson